Catching up on important topics and thoughts

The Tangent College

Regarding the expression “people of faith” versus, I guess, people of no faith. Every man is given a measure of faith, and we place that faith in many things. When Jesus said, “oh ye of little faith … ” He is referring specifically to faith in God and in Himself.  Peter had plenty of faith in the boat, and plenty of faith that the waters were dangerous, but what he lacked was faith in Christ.  All people are “people of faith” because all thought and understanding begins with faith.  Faith proceeds reason and faith proceeds observation.  The unfortunate expression “people of faith” which is so often used is a religious one.  What is important is not that you have faith, which we all do, but what is important is what you put your faith in.  This is an important distinction between religion and reality.

Regarding the evangelical belief and teaching that all sins are equal in that they all separate us from God, I would offer the following conundrum. How is it that Jesus chides the Pharisees that they “strain out a gnat and yet swallow a camel” if there is no difference between the gnat and the camel?

Regarding the religious notion of predestination, which I heard taught in an Evangelical Free Church- This seems to me to be quite the misnomer.   (This is what initiated my article “The Doctrine of Predestination – confronting it head on”.)     Free? Well how is it free if it does not acknowledge that we have Freewill?  I guess we are free to choose our breakfast cereal in the morning, but not free to choose Christ and be saved.  Predestination doesn’t leave much room for freedom. Evangelical? What is the point of evangelizing if everyone is already predestined to either come to Christ or predestined to reject Him.   But of course religion is not supposed to make much rational sense, is it?  A church that teaches predestination can neither be “evangelical” nor “free”.  I would bet that the founding Evangelical Free Church was an Arminian movement, and did not preach religious predestination.

Regarding many years of being asked countless times “so what kind of music do you play?”, “Is it Christian music?”  I believe I have finally come up with an excellent answer based on my growing frustration with religion. I have always been frustrated with religion, but it has taken me four decades to fully understand its smothering nature.  Upon being asked this question, I would stumble through many iterations of various complicated explanations of how music is neither Christian nor non-Christian (only people can be Christian or non-Christian); that I play a wide variety or an eclectic mix; tell them what they want to hear even if it’s not entirely answering what they are asking, “yes! absolutely!”; Jazz, rock, blues, folk, show-tunes, pop, fusion, protest, satirical, gospel…, anything except pop country, rap, or death metal; or simply my mind goes blank failing to come up with a good answer, mainly to the Christians who ask.

So my simple answer which I could’ve given so many times would be, “Well yes it’s all Christian, but it’s not religious”.   The tragedy for me is that I watched throughout the 1980s how all music written by Christians gradually turned inward toward the church and only religious worship music was allowed. In the ensuing three decades it has only become more religious and more inbred. The church now only allows one kind of flavorless, insipid, contemporary, canned “worship” music.  My life’s work and vocation of music is utterly worthless to the contemporary evangelical church. I have so much real music to offer and yet because the church only wants religious music, there simply is no place for me.  It is most melancholy.


Because I’ve been involved in these other topics over the past few weeks, so much has been neglected; primarily the number one topic that we must never forget: the lock-down and the lies of the ongoing, even if in the background, plandemic.  

From the Brownstone Institute:
The ruling class is experiencing a pandemic of amnesia.

Everyone involved – both major political parties, deep state, media, tech, and pharma – wants everyone to forget about lockdowns, school closures, travel restrictions, church shutdowns, missed cancer screenings, wrecked small businesses, rent moratoriums, brutalized elderly, canceled weddings, zoom funerals, ventilator deaths, censorship and firings, masking children, rushed vaccines and injury/death, segregation by shot compliance, ruined household finances, substance abuse and suicide, lowered life expectancy, and the mass violation of the Bill of Rights.

All of this has become a great taboo even though it wrecked the country and the world, and the damage is all around us. If enough people participate in a crime, it is made to disappear by all the commanding heights. This way they never have to admit or apologize, and can do it all over again when the time comes.

The question is why does everyone wish to forget?  Why were most people not offended by being commanded to wear a mask to go shopping in a store even though the masks were detrimental to one’s immune system and did nothing to prevent a coronavirus.  But it offended me and I refused to wear a mask because I am a thinking person and right from the beginning I knew this smelled of fraud and tyranny.  And now, three years later, the question of “Why the Covid Delusion Continues” is dealt with interestingly in this piece by Jeff Thomas.  

In it he states:
we have a basic function of the human brain that affects the great majority of people – indeed, all people who have not, at some point in their lives, become independent thinkers: [they] Respond to controlled input and ignore peripheral inputFor those who questioned the COVID scam early, a great deal was learned even as it was playing out. But the question remains, why did others, who bought into it, not learn from the plethora of studies that have been released over time?After all, the controlled input regarding COVID ceased to be pushed a year or more ago. What that translates into is that those who simply memorize information and do not significantly question it now have nothing to go on. They’re stuck in neutral. They’re receiving occasional peripheral input that negates the controlled input, but they interpret it as peripheral input and, in a trained knee-jerk reaction, ignore it on each and every occasion. They don’t ever consider its totality, as they’re not programmed to think in that fashion.As unpleasant as it is to consider, this inability is the norm, even for people who are otherwise intelligent and/or educated. Like hamsters on a wheel, they’re under the impression that they’re in forward motion, but in truth, they won’t move an inch forward until they receive controlled input instructing them to do so.The COVID masks have been taken off, but an understanding of the fraud that has been perpetrated has, for the majority of people, not been understood.

His arguments coincide with mine as I deal with the problem of religion and the religious mind. The religious mind is typical, one that does not think independently and ignores peripheral input but responds to controlled input.  Religion is that controlled and well kneaded input that tells people what to do and makes it simple relieving them of the burden of independent thought.  Because not only is thought tiresome, It can also put one at odds with their religious theology and community.

If we and the majority of the people we know, once again, respond to the controlled input and ignore the peripheral input, we won’t merely have missed the boat on the reality of the COVID scam.

We’re primed to be fooled again.

We still see the sheep on occasion, the Covidites, who walk around with the ridiculous mask on their face. These are the true believers and those who seem to not question anything that is spoon-fed to them on the telescreens. People are naturally religious and compliant and I have little faith that in the next plandemic it won’t be much of the same.  This too is melancholy.

The scamdemic changed my view of almost everything. And the most damning evidence of the bankruptcy of the church is that it agreed to close its doors during the fraud.  All discernment is gone.  And later we learn that many were actually given money by the government to keep their doors shut.  The Catholic Church shut down mass, which according to their theology is necessary for salvation. That’s right, the salvation of your soul took a backseat to your wearing a mask to prevent you from getting a cold.

I have become a complete anti-VAXXer, realizing that they have been compromising our immune systems for many decades. The worst of it began under our own American Reinhard Heydrich, Dr Strangelove Fauci who began finding viruses under every rock and tree that allowed his government agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), to be reborn and to thrive.  The same big Pharma killing fields that we’ve experienced in the past three years with the Covid 19 plandemic were happening during the phony AIDS crisis which was not in fact caused by HIV, as Fauci relentlessly pushed in order to make huge profits and actually change the relationship between big Pharma and the FDA.  But a simple web search will reveal that this fraud continues to this day and how HIV can be controlled by pharmaceuticals. This is all BS of course just like Covid.  Beginning in 1992, the FDA has been primarily funded by user fees from the pharmaceutical companies. Fauci was the godfather of the big Pharma racket.  “The Real Anthony Fauci” by John F. Kennedy Jr. is a must read.

Now, “Since December 2020, more children have died after non-covid shots than the covid jab”  – Yes, you read that correctly! – Non-Covid.

AND  VacciNation Part 1: Have vaccines ever been effective?  and   VacciNation Part 2: Sacrificing kids for Big Pharma Profiteers

More and more people are beginning to show long-term symptoms from these VAX jabs and the deaths are piling up at an alarming rate. (Ed Dowd Reveals Astonishing Death Rates in the UK)   But of course the media doesn’t talk about it, so the church doesn’t talk about it, and those who live by control input are getting no signals, and so everyone thinks that everything is just okay. 

We are ever so slowly being poisoned and murdered by the medical establishment.   Has the Western Medical System Turned Murderous?  The primary reason for this is humanistic hubris, that we are gods, that we can heal ourselves, and with enough vaccines we can cure all diseases including death. The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.

But even medical murder does not inspire the church to speak against its master.

There is of course much more but I have tried to catch up a little – perhaps too much. I apologize for turning the firehose of information overload on you. These are all good very good articles that perhaps most of you already know.  But we must keep telling the truth to each other, lest we forget like the others.

Hopefully I will be able to finish part three of Religion Versus Secular. I’ve already started it but there is much more thought and writing to be done.  So until next week, follow the path of righteousness, escape from religious thinking, think independently and stay far from the camp of the Covidites.

Bill Ward

Category(s): Uncategorized

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