Vaxxi-Nation, Police States, The Condor and the Octopus

The Tangent College

Continuing from last week, some more random thoughts, I would like to point out Seth Hancock’s “VacciNation Part 3: Was the Spanish (Kansas) Flu caused by a vax experiment?”  This paints an increasingly dark picture of the history of vaccination which goes all the way back to the infamous influenza outbreak of 1918 which actually killed some 675,000 Americans. Unlike the phony plandemic that we were dragged through and killed no more people in 2020 than in any of the previous years. Read my previous post “Evidence of the Scamdemic – Where’d da Flu go Bro?” that shows all the deaths from influenza to cancer to motorcycle accidents were attributed to Covid falsely hyping the death toll.  I still remember the fake news report by Judy Woodruff in which she claimed, with much grievance, that we had reached the 1 million Americans dead mark.  This is of course poppycock. But does anyone talk about it? No. Everyone is busy getting back to their lives and sweeping it all under the rug. Never mind, carry on, ignore the man behind the curtain, “I am Oz, the great and powerful!”

Oftentimes these days I feel like Condor (Robert Redford’s character) at the end of “Three Days of the Condor”, as now his life has been forever altered because of the horrific events that he experienced and of which he discovered the cause. Meanwhile, the city around him is celebrating Christmas and the intelligence agency wants to sweep it under the rug and move on treating it as merely an unfortunate course of this business and the “games” they play. As he drills Higgins, his CIA superior, in disgust saying, “Seven people dead! and you play f***ing games!”.  To which Higgins, who wants to bring him back into the agency, later says, “you’re about to be a very lonely man. It didn’t have to end this way.” And Condor responds, “Of course it did”. 

The churches are much the same as the intelligence agency, wishing to simply get back to their job of saving souls and handing out food.  In many ways they are little more than a government agency themselves. Of the octopus that is government overreach and socialist policy, the church is the eighth arm of government: Big Charity and Big Religion.  They dutifully follow the gospel of Judas (“Couldn’t this money have been given to the poor?” – Mark 14:5) which always sounds so “charitable” (i.e. “loving”Smilie: ;).  “The need has never been greater” is the continuous advertising mantra for expanding Big Charity and Big Religion.

Let me attempt giving names to all the 8 legs of the octopus of Big Mother socialism – the hug that you cannot escape.  1) Medicare and Medicaid  2) Social Security  3) Public Welfare  programs – Housing, unemployment, feeding America, poverty  4) Corporate Welfare and Big military welfare  5) Big Education – student aid, food programs and government grants  6) Foreign Aid Welfare programs  7) Public health, Public safety, Public works and Public awareness programs  Smilie: 8) Big Charity and Big Religion, Nonprofits

Killer vaccines are free wherever you go paid for by other people.  Walgreens advertises “Vaccines made easy, for those who have plans” – to die suddenly; to continue compromising their immune systems; to need a continuous drip of  medications and additional vaccines; to support Big Pharma. 

Dinesh D’Souza  has a new film coming out: “Police State” Film Exposes Coming Christian Persecution

The government told citizens that they couldn’t go to church on Sunday. By and large the church complied and did not find this at all conflicting. Probably only about five percent of the churches rebelled against this tyranny to one degree or another. This is both shameful and damning to big religion.

In the above interview he states,

“For a long time the the tyranny that was being imposed in this emerging police state was camouflaged because it was marching behind the edict of fear, it’s an epidemic and therefore were making these restrictions or it’s the aftermath of January 6 and therefore we see this attack on democracy.  So police states in other countries have established themselves through brute force.  Stalin, Lenin, they didn’t have to explain to somebody why they’re being indicted or why they’re being arrested but our police state marches behind the banner of law and democracy and fighting misinformation and disinformation; so it’s taken a little while for people to recognize the facade that is put up to justify all these deprivations of basic liberties.  All our basic liberties now are in jeopardy.  Just think about the Bill of Rights; right to free speech in jeopardy; right to religious conscience in jeopardy; right to petition the government for redress in jeopardy; right to equal justice under the law in jeopardy; so suddenly we find ourselves not that different from the unfree societies whether North Korea China the old Soviet Union that we’ve been deploring for decades.  It’s not that China and these regimes of become more like us we have become depressingly more like them.”

He makes many more interesting points and it is worthwhile watching the whole interview. I’m also looking forward to seeing the movie when it comes out. We are truly living in a growing police state which is more deceptive, manipulative and underhanded than previously tried. It is like “1984” in that this tyranny demands that not only must you obey Big Brother but you must also love Big Brother.  Welcome to maternalism, Ninny Nanny Land, the hug from which you cannot escape.  “oh let’s sing that song again!”

I challenge and charge any church or any pastor to play this song “Ninny Nanny Land #19 Special Edition “Alice in Corona Land” – The lighter side of global pandemics, permanent crisis & fear, mass manipulation & maternal communism, madness & the end of normalcy” on a Sunday morning and preach the truth to your congregation about what is going on in this world and the socialism that we live under.  We are living in an empire of lies and it’s time that the church rocognized it and preached it.  

As Charles Finney preached in 1873, “If immorality prevails in the land, the fault is ours in a great degree.
If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. 
If the public press lacks moral discrimination, the pulpit is responsible for it.
If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it.
If the world loses its interest in religion
(Godliness), the pulpit is responsible for it.
If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it.
If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away,
(the police State) the pulpit is responsible for it.

Let us not ignore this fact, my dear brethren; but let us lay it to heart, and be thoroughly awake to our responsibility in respect to the morals of this nation.

Finally, regarding “1984”:
The telescreens are in your pocket you carry them with you were you go. Just this week we all got the creepy emergency message from the presidential alert system.  

The Brownstone Institute puts it this way,  “Did you get the FEMA alert on your phone? Most likely. Keep in mind that no one voted for that. This speaks to the core problem: we no longer know who our rulers are. This is not a system under which civilized people live.

No question that these are emergency times, but not the one they think. It’s an emergency for the very idea of freedom.”….  “The map of the “Great Reset” doesn’t follow the old script. It’s something different. Call it de-growth corporatism, techno-primitivism, bio-medical fascism, or the digital-industrial-global complex. Maybe there are better terms but this much is true: the agenda is a fundamental threat to everything traditionally regarded as freedom.”

For some reason that makes me remember this line from the song Ophelia,
“They got your number, you’re scared and running, but I’m still waiting on the second coming of Ophelia. Baby come back home.”

We as Christians say, “Jesus come quickly”. In the meantime, follow the path of righteousness, don’t let them know where you are, stay on the move but stay far from the camp of the Covidites.

Bill Ward

Category(s): Uncategorized

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