Understanding Putin and Why the West Hates Him

The Tangent College

This week I’m going to endeavor to juxtapose a few articles, make a couple of points, and tie the two together into an understanding of the political religious spectrum as well as more directly, the state of Russia today.

Here is an interesting article from an observer of what it is like in Russia today – the good and the bad and as you will see, not too much ugly.  It is an interesting read.
Boots on the Ground from Russia  This is an article that I simply cannot sum up with a few quotes because it covers so many different subjects.  But what it offers is an unexpected view of Russia that should make one think.

A second article from a more usual writer, Paul Craig Roberts, entitled “Russia — A Democracy That Works”, is typically brief and to the point.  This too is a necessary read if for no other reason because of its brevity – thank you Mr. Roberts.  Regarding the recent election in Russia with a 75% voter turnout and 87% win for Putin, he writes, The whore American media instantly began the required chant: “a fishy election.” Of course, American elections are never fishy, not even when under cover of darkness vote totals are suddenly reversed.

The election turnout is high in Russia because Putin, like Ronald Reagan and unlike Biden, is a leader who focuses on unifying the country. From a Russian national perspective, there is little, if anything, about which to disagree with Putin. His recent address to the Russian people shows his concern as well as the active measures he is implementing to support families and soldiers. It is rare for a country to have a leader who is not trying to survive being in office or using the office for his personal benefit.

As I pondered these two articles along with others, I had something of a lightbulb moment as to what has happened in Russia, the nature of Putin’s presidency, and why the West both does not understand it and hates it.  Regarding the last sentence I emphasized above, I am reminded of George Washington, whom the people wanted to make King, and yet he refused because America was never supposed to have a king.  – And they had just deposed a king – they wanted another? –  stupid people.

Instead over the course of 250 years, we have become a left wing social-fascist state. What people never seem to get correct is who is on the right and who is on the left of the political/religious spectrum. 

What is the opposite of the Marxist/communist autocrat? No, it is not fascism or Nazi-ism. And this must be repeated again and again, fascism is a cult of communism and Nazism is a cult of fascism. What unites all of these is that their roots are all in Marxist philosophy. Marx was a German, and he polluted the entire world from the former Soviet Union, to Mao’s China, to Pol Pot, to Fidel Castro, to Mussolini, to Hitler, and then to the rest of the West. I hate to confuse Donald Trump, but we are already a socialist nation and have been for many years.

So what is the opposite of Marxism? It is Monarchy. The King (remember King George? And the hundreds of kings that came before him?) had been the basis for government for thousands of years prior to this relatively new concept of Marxist communism; where everything is supposedly done for the people while the people enslave themselves to the autocrat that refuses to leave.

Monarchy is the truest form of pure right-wing government. Which is worse? Right wing tyranny or left wing tyranny? They can be equally tyrannical. The founding of this country was a rejection of the King and a move to the left. Understand this. It was an attempt to give power into the hands of the people in the form of representative government. As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “a Republic madam, if you can keep it.”  It is a delicate balance between the tyranny of the Monarch, and the tyranny of democracy which leads to the autocrat.

We defeated the King but in 200 years adopted the socialist autocrat. The Republic that was created is but a shell.  America has traded the tyranny of the monarch to the tyranny of the autocrat. The former is right wing and the latter is left wing. Both are tyrannies, but they are distinctly different forms of government from different roots.

Prior to the forming of the Soviet Union, Russia was ruled by the Czars –Monarchy. right wing.  The tumultuous crumbling of the Soviet Union over a couple of decades led to many oligarchs within the country vying for power and raping the country of its wealth. Eventually, a strong man took charge and began to clean up the corruption within his beloved country. This is of course Vladimir Putin. He rules with an iron fist but also as a benevolent monarch. He has restored national pride to Russia which was thoroughly destroyed under communism. What is happened in Russia is a true return to the right, the monarch, or in Russian terms, the Czar.  In the present state, it is reasonably benevolent, but as with any monarch it could turn otherwise.

Necessary to monarchy is religion which validates the monarch. Religion was criminalized in the atheistic Soviet Union. The Russian church now supports Putin and there has been a return to religion – this is a significant sign of monarchy rather than communist autocracy.  Every king throughout history has been validated by religion – the divine right of kings. Many of them have ascended to godlike status. This is what right wing means – monarchy. From the pharaohs of Egypt to King George of England, they were all validated by religion. Not so with communism which is distinguished by its radical atheism.

But this is not to glorify religion or monarchy because both can become highly tyrannical.

This is what the West cannot understand and cannot stomach. Putin is a throwback to an earlier time of kings and national pride that the Marxist globalists reject. The former communist Soviet Union no longer exists but the West needs it to exist in order to have an enemy to fight forever. Ironically, and this is very important to understand, the west hates its made up “communist” enemy in the same way that Hitler vehemently hated communist Russia, even though they were relatives through their Marxist roots. It is in the same way that an original religion (international communism), hates the breakaway cults (fascism and Nazism).  And every cult disdains and demonizes the religion it broke away from. They are both heretics to each other. It is not because they are ideological opposites but the hatred is enhanced because they are in fact brothers. When Hitler brutally attacked Russia in the largest land invasion in all of human history (operation Barbarossa) it was a war time version of fratricide.

Again, the West cannot understand this because it still thinks of itself as good, like all “good” socialists do.  Pride and altruism are the driving spirits of Marxism.

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