On the 4th anniversary of the Great Scamdemic

The Tangent College

A devastating feature of total wars in history is the loss of cultural continuity from prewar to postwar. What came before fades into memory, replaced by trauma, and then the desperate desire to forget that it ever happened and then create something new. – from “The Forgetting is Mandatory” by Jeffrey.A. Tucker

For the last four years in writing these emails consistently, except for 2 to 3 months while I was consumed with moving from Illinois to Wyoming in order to escape the tyranny of the scamdemic, there is no subject that I have dwelt upon more than this: the greatest fraud in the history of the world. There was no other fraud that was so globally accepted as this, still mostly believed, predestined, fully propagandized hoax.  It was a wag-the-dog world war by the Kings of the world on the serfs of the world.

The nonstop propaganda was endlessly fueled by the fraudulent PCR tests. Remember the testing, testing, testing, testing, that went on and on and on and on for some two years and beyond? It was a case-demic.  Like the body count out of Vietnam, every day the news was filled with the number of new cases of this “terrifyingly deadly” coronavirus that seemingly no one was dying from. I know of no one who died of Covid. I know no one who knows anyone who has died of Covid. I know of many who have died from the vaccines. Anecdotal yes, but also most telling.  

I heard of many committing suicide because of Covid. Hundreds of thousands of businesses and lives were destroyed by the hysteria over Covid. Trillions of dollars were flushed down the toilet of Covid. Our economy has still not recovered, and never will, from the lockdowns and the supply chain disruptions of Covid. I remember teaching my daughter to drive in an empty parking lot, in an empty strip-mall, on a beautiful Tuesday afternoon. Every business had a piece of paper on their storefront stating how they were closed because of this thing called Covid. It was madness. It was completely surreal. That was the word I used, “surreal”.  To this day I shake my head in disbelief.

The arts and music and the withering remains of culture were fully destroyed by the viro Nazis.

Naomi Wolf covers some of this strangeness beautifully in her piece “Broken in What Way?” As she laments what is wrong and what has happened to New York City. 

“We are post-Tower of Babel now.”

She writes near the end, “I took away from that time in prayer, an understanding or a sense…that we really are now walking through “the time of Satan.” That was literally the phrase that surfaced (or descended) into my mind.”

“And I understood that “there is no way out but through”, …–what it is like to be in combat.    It’s a time of shadow. There is literally a shadow across the path of humanity.”


The Great Scamdemic was a national, indeed an international globally accepted superstition.  A superstition begotten and utilized by a worldwide belief and religion: atheistic humanism. 

The four year anniversary of this scamdemic is profoundly summed up in this piece by Jeffrey A Tucker: Four Years Ago This Week, Freedom Was Torched

Proving that great minds think alike, Seth Hancock also highlighted this same article in his four year anniversary piece, which he has done every year since the beginning of this nightmare from which we never seem to wake up. Now it seems the country is simply comatose. Hancock’s piece is entitled “The Covid Scam Turned 4 Years Old This Week”.   He and I were among the very very few that kept screaming about the fraudulent PCR tests and the obvious propagandized case-demic that it was creating.  Boy did they milk those tests to death!  

Hancock writes with sarcasm, “But, good news folks. Two weeks to flatten the curve has ended at 200 weeks to flatten the curve, give or take a few weeks.  That’s right. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced, on March 1, 2024, that covid can be treated like the flu now.”  – And yet, in order to shovel more money to big Pharma, you can get your flu shot and Covid shot and RSV shot conveniently at your local Walgreens.  Three shots all for free because we live in Ameritopia and the government, which means everyone else in the grand collective will pay for your death shots. Isn’t maternalism great?!

Both Seth and I knew from the beginning it was nothing more than the flu bro.

We are in the postwar period and the past seems to be erased.  “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past”.  The reason the confused Republican conservatives have buried the truth about this is because they can’t abide both their own naivete and complicity, as well as the monstrous failure of their chosen hero and savior Donald Trump.

Tucker writes,There is no historical record of any American president ever issuing global travel restrictions like this without a declaration of war.  Who did this to you good conservative?  Sorry, Trump did.  But there was a war, a genuine, fully planned, orchestrated one, which Trump served as Commander in Chief.  He lost every battle, spent 10 trillion dollars, and killed over a million of his own countrymen (and still counting) because of the bio-weapon he so proudly created in record “warp speed” time.

If Trump really cared about liberty or the American people he would have shut down NSC (National Security Council), the DHS (Department of Homeland Security), CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency), FEMA (The Federal Emergency Management Agency), along with all the other alphabet soup agencies under HHS (Department of Health and Human Services) all of which should have no authority or place in running our lives.  The US government is a Leviathan; a tangled mass of waste, corruption,  laws, documents, proclamations, warnings, all for the purpose of absolute power and control.  Trump loves being in control.  The serfs love being controlled.

Tucker continues, The National Security Council was put in charge of policy making. The CDC (which businesses and government dutifully followed) was just the marketing operation. That’s why it felt like martial law. Without using those words, that’s what was being declared. It even urged information management, with censorship strongly implied.” 

We now learn, the entire Covid scamdemic was actually orchestrated by the National Security Council (NSC).  The original bio weapon which was created under a Chinese/US joint venture of the Defense Department.

“The forced closures in the US began on March 6 when the mayor of Austin, Texas, announced the shutdown of the technology and arts festival South by Southwest. Hundreds of thousands of contracts, of attendees and vendors, were instantly scrapped. The mayor said he was acting on the advice of his health experts and they in turn pointed to the CDC, which in turn pointed to the World Health Organization, which in turn pointed to member states and so on.” 

As I have said before, in the end, the main purpose of the scamdemic was a gigantic global cover-up of this bio weapon research. This was the perfect cloaking device for big Pharma to rake in obscene profits on a phony scamdemic.

Everything is Broken.

Bill Ward

Category(s): Uncategorized

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