“What are We Fighting For?” video

The Tangent College

Hello Colleagues,

Well folks, the long wait is over!  Yes that’s right, you guessed it, the soon-to-be world-famous video “What are We Fighting For?” Is done and posted. You are going to want to watch this several times because there is so much going on and it is so doggone delightful you simply will not be able to help yourself.  Am I overselling this? Probably.  But this took way too long and came out way too good not be appreciated. Enjoy it while you are still permitted. Our bumper sticker says “Ukraine or Bust” and the enemy is US!

It seems to me the only way to survive in The Empire of Lies is with satire and reason. Satire is only funny if you are reasonable. If you are mystical and easily offended and do not have a firm grasp on what is real and what is fakery, then you will struggle with irony and satire.  My passion in life is to advance reason and reality while exposing lies and irrationality. We are approaching Alice in Wonderland levels of insanity in this country and in the world.  It seems like the only sane voices are coming from our supposed enemies like Russia. 

It is actually refreshing to hear Putin layout his grievances along with the action he plans to take and then proceeds to do exactly what he told us he would do. If only parents could do that with their children when they say “if you do that one more time…” And the child knows that one more time never comes. As Jesus said “Nor shall you make an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. “But let your statement be, ‘Yes, yes’ or ‘No, no’; and anything beyond these is of evil.”  Matt 5:36-37

Following along the lines of the above video is this serious piece entitled “Opposing Russophobia With Learned Russophilia” By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, in which he addresses numerous issues including Canada’s relationship to Russia and The Decline of Canada Under the Drag Queen Obsessions of Justin Trudeau.  Beyond bio weapon labs and laptops and massive corruption in Ukraine, perhaps the main driving force of our unholy alliance with this fake country is to support the LGBT global agenda which is truly the atheist agenda against Judeo Christianity.  Both the Zelinskyy and Trudeau are drag queen sympathizers.  Newly Christianized Russia is opposed to these vile Western “values”.  

The LGBT passion also fueled German Nazi-ism which is still present in Ukraine today; still persisting in hatred against Russia from WWII.  This is very well documented in Scott Lively’s book “The Pink Swastika”.

This piece also considers “IS NATO Carrying the Legacy of Fascist Tendencies Inherited from World War II?”  It is clear, as I satirically point out in the last verse of my video we’ll “Ally with neo-Nazis, oligarchs and playboy pansies”; at which point you may wish to pause it to look at the enhanced Dr. Seuss cartoon which points out America’s alliance with neo-Nazis through the underhanded and stolen rainbow flag of the LGBT’s.

I had more to say on this but at the moment it is getting late and much of my energy was in rendering, re-rendering, posting, and re-posting, this video.

So I will leave it at that for this week.  The Lord be willing, I will be back with more and better ideas next week. In the meantime follow the path of righteousness, believe nothing that you hear on the telescreens (except the aforementioned video), and stay far from the camp of the Covidites.

Thanks for reading and listening
Bill Ward

Category(s): Uncategorized

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