chilling censorship! – straining out a gnat while swallowing a camel

The Tangent College

Hello Colleagues,

Due to the fact that I did not send out a Tangent College email last Friday morning, I felt it would be okay to send out an additional one this week.  I feel compelled to tell you about these two things which are very much related.  Both of them have to do with the ongoing narrative of the plandemic and the squelching of whistleblowers and truth tellers. In the empire of lies there is nothing more dangerous than someone who tells the truth. Two examples given are below.

The first is a compelling watch of Stew Peters being interviewed and/or grilled by two reporters of the BBC. Although you may find him a bit over the top, I think he does a laudable job at defending himself, and his recent movie “Died Suddenly”, and defending the truth against the true lying bastards and bitches (no hyperbole here) at the BBC -and pretty much any other legacy empire controlled news outlet.  

This is a perfect example of “straining out a gnat while swallowing a camel” in the manner of the Pharisees.  I appreciate how he answers, very forcibly, these truly minor discrepancies in his movie while the BBC itself has been knowingly pushing the monumental lie of the plandemic and all the other lies surrounding the plandemic for the past three years without shame or retraction.  The one who tells the truth is called out by the gaggle of liars. We should all have the presence of mind and conviction that he demonstrates. 

LIVE@8PM ET: BBC Doesn’t Want You To See This: Stew Peters Goes Head-To-Head with BBC, WATCH FULL Interview

This is no small matter and I have been sounding the alarm bells for over three years concerning this plandemic in these emails. And now the censorship is getting worse and more Orwellian as the truth is struggling to get out. While the biggest hindrance to the truth coming out is not the tyrannical threats and actions of government, the corporations, and their parroting media but rather it is the apathy of the people.  For some reason it doesn’t bother people that they’ve been lied to relentlessly for three years. This is something I have never understood. For me it is something I cannot tolerate. 

There are far too many people who do not realize what is going on in this world and the suppression of truth is unprecedented. Does the church care? Will the church stand up against the lies and tyranny? I doubt it. Very unlikely. They are sitting beneath the lotus trees. 

I know I could not have answered as quickly and as thoroughly as Stew Peters answers their allegations. Please give it a listen.


The second case is one from Naomi Wolf who appeared on Mark Steyn’s show which has been reprimanded, in a most Orwellian way, concerning the “misinformation” that was presented on the show. I challenge you to read this article by Naomi Wolf concerning this incident. If this doesn’t chill you as to where we are heading in this world, I don’t know what will.  

UK MEDIA REGULATOR OFCOM GOES AFTER ME, MARK STEYN, FOR TELLING THE TRUTH  – After a 7 Month Investigation into GBNews, OfCom Censures Mark Steyn, me, for accurate info from Pfizer Documents, via 3500 Medical and Scientific Experts, showing Harm to Women and Babies.

Listen to these bone chilling words from UK Media regulator Ofcom.
It is important to stress that in line with the right to freedom of expression – broadcasters are free to transmit programmes that include controversial and challenging views, including about Covid-19 vaccines or conspiracy theories. However, alongside this editorial freedom, the Broadcasting Code imposes a clear requirement that if such content has the potential to be harmful, the broadcaster must ensure that its audience is adequately protected.Our investigation concluded that GB News fell short of this requirement by allowing Naomi Wolf to promote a serious conspiracy theory without challenge or context – for example through other contributions in the programme or by the presenter, who appeared to support many of her comments. There was also no scrutiny of the evidence she claimed to hold to support her claims.We also took into account that the programme presented Naomi Wolf as a figure of authority, with particular knowledge and expertise in the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines. We consider this would have lent credibility to her unchallenged claims. Of particular concern was her significant and alarming claim that “mass murder” was taking place through the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccinations, which she repeated three times.We found that the comments made by Naomi Wolf had the potential to impact viewers’ decisions about their health and were therefore potentially harmful. Given that GB News did not take adequate steps to protect viewers from this potentially harmful content, we have found the channel in breach of Rule 2.1 of the Broadcasting Code.This is the second significant breach of the Code recorded against GB News . In light of this, we are requesting that GB News attends a meeting with Ofcom to discuss its approach to compliance.

Note the wording “has the potential to be harmful“. Under this requirement, anything can be deemed “potentially harmful” and thus be censored.  Note the arrogance of this tyranny, and how it is all done in a very feminine “adequately protected” manner.  And only we are allowed – those who are in authority – to determine who or who is not “a figure of authority”.  Again, chilling, is the only word I can come up with.

Rather than the strong case that is presented by Naomi will on the Mark Steyn show as being “conspiracy theory”, (I can’t believe that I am hearing these words “conspiracy theory” being uttered outside of Nazi Germany or some equally tyrannical regime), Covid 19 is the conspiracy theory in that it falsely claims there was an extraordinarily deadly virus being transmitted by people who had to be forcibly locked down.  They are the conspiracy theorists who falsely claimed that the lockdowns would slow the spread – this was total “misinformation”.  The conspiracy theorists falsely claimed that masks would stop the spread of this fraudulent virus – again, “misinformation”.  The conspiracy theorists brutalized the populace into to wearing these harmful and demeaning masks with full knowledge that they were of no value.  Misinformation and lies based on a phony conspiracy concerning a virus manufactured by conspiracy theorists.   All misinformation presented to you, with love, by the new Nazi Reich.

As the late great Doctor Zelenka said “you know Noah was a conspiracy theorist until it started to rain”.  Well, it’s raining all over the world people.  It’s not a conspiracy theory,  it is a conspiracy.

But the new Nazi Reich claims that Naomi Wolf, Mark Steyn, Stew Peters, and all the thousands of doctors and all truly honest and thinking people are the “conspiracy theorists”.  Again, it’s happening again, it’s tyranny, it’s chilling, it’s satanic. 

And the biggest lie of all is the one that never goes unchallenged that there never was a Covid 19 pandemic.  This fundamental piece of total “misinformation” that is never challenged gives rise to all the other branches of the pandemic lie tree. I have tried my best, as have a few others, to fight this most fundamental lie. How often have I said “there is no pandemic, there never was a pandemic”.  Once you understand this truth, all the other lies fall apart as well.  The nonexistent pandemic of 2020 through 2023 and beyond will forever be considered a fact. It is a permanent lie – like evolution,climate change, and that national Socialism is a movement of the far right.

We mustn’t allow ourselves to be muzzled. If we  lose our freedom of speech, even if based on pleasant feminized words and couched in love and protective “safe” language,  we’ve lost everything.

I’ll have more to say on a different topic as God leads next Friday morning. Thanks for listening and reading this supplemental Tangent College email.

Follow the path of righteousness, preach the truth, and stay far from the camp of the Covidites.

Bill Ward

Category(s): Uncategorized

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