The lie of Covid 19, the legislative battle against masks and vaccines, and Neo-Confederacy

The Tangent College

Hello Colleagues,

This week I’ve decided to do something different than what I had planned last week as events are unfolding in Wyoming’s legislature, and particularly with Jeanette Ward’s ‘no mask no vax’ bill (HB0066: ‘Prohibiting mask, vaccine and testing discrimination’) eliminating discrimination for not wearing a mask, not receiving a so-called ‘vaccine,’ or not getting tested and is linked in the comments.”  I consider this of the highest importance as it is the reason we moved from Illinois to Wyoming.

The fraud of Covid 19 was an assault on liberty more than anything else. And there are too many people who cannot grasp the significance of this – from the lockdowns, to the forced wearing of masks which degrade and do nothing and of course the lethal death shots which have been proven to cause more harm than good.

Seth Hancock wrote an excellent article on this subject entitled “Biden regime renews covid ‘emergency’ as the Big Lie continues” in which you will find the text of House Bill 0066 as well as Jeanette’s Facebook post which better explains the spirit of the bill.

What we have been subjected to in the past three years has absolutely nothing to do with a virus or any ‘global pandemic’. There is no pandemic, there never was a pandemic.  As is highlighted in Seth’s article, driving around during the supposed pandemic, the hospitals are not overflowing and in fact rather empty.   Nurses had been sent home – remember!?  My next-door neighbor in Illinois was a nurse and was not allowed to come into work because there was nothing for her to do.  The hospitals were more shutdown than they were overflowing.  No more people died in 2020 during the scamdemic than died in previous years. But good luck trying to find honest reporting on this.  And yet the people never can seem to put two and two together as they continue to believe the lie.

Jeanette has met with continuous opposition from the usual suspects on the left who worship at the feet of big mother government and quiver in fear at anyone who would dare question what the health authorities order them to do.  For these people, liberty is a threat to their communal obedience.

But sadly, we have also experienced opposition from the libertarian right which also does not understand the true meaning of liberty.

Allow me to explain.

I remember clearly from the beginning of the scamdemic, as we were suffering through lockdowns and being called essential and nonessential, that we, as good Republicans and conservatives, were cajoled to support our businesses by wearing masks and keeping them open. We were also to honor the employees as “heroes” simply for showing up to work and risking the horrible fate of perhaps contracting the seasonal coronavirus a.k.a. the seasonal common cold or flu.

It is this ‘supporting of businesses’ that never seemed right and got me to thinking on a deeper level.  I use to think in typical Republican versus Democrat terms that it was the Democrats who supported big government and the Republicans were the backers of private business and that business was in strong opposition to government regulations. Now I realize that big business and big government are simply two sides of the same coin. While the Democrats are for social welfare, which is destroying society, the Republicans are for corporate welfare, which is also destroying society.  

I questioned from the beginning, why would Walmart comply with governor Pritzker’s outrageous mask mandates? Could not Walmart buy Illinois if it wanted to?  (The same being true for the Roman Catholic Church, big religion, which also shut down despite their theology).  And that’s when I realized that Illinois and Walmart are in league with each other and each hand washes the other.  And it is similarly true for small businesses which must beg at the feet of government and pay regulatory fees, taxes and licenses just to be in business.

Whether big business receiving corporate welfare or small business receiving permissions and the blessing of government, they are both tools and arms of government. The people are left at the bottom; even though the Constitution, which has long since been abandoned since the days of progressivism beginning in the late 1800s and coming into full flower during the Wilson administration,  begins with the phrase ‘We the People.   Both big business and big government are monsters that are out of control and no longer serve or obey the people.

So the opposition that Jeanette has been experiencing from this libertarian right gave birth to a new understanding recently with me, a connection between these folks and the supposed “liberty” of the Confederacy.  I now recognize these people as neo-Confederates.

Sadly many of these neo-Confederates write for Lew Rockwell of which as you know I read regularly. Some of these writers I have found to be intolerable to read but allow me to quote from the man they call a tyrant. What they fail to grasp is what Lincoln stated below in his typical careful manner:

“We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men’s labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name, liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names, liberty and tyranny. The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty, especially as the sheep was a black one. Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of the word liberty.”

The neo-Confederate is one that claims a liberty for “private” business at the expense of the people and in the old Confederacy that was most apparently black people. The neo-Confederate wishes to portray himself as a champion of liberty against the evil tyrant Lincoln.  And today he champions the “rights” of businesses.  Strange, I don’t remember the rights of businesses being part of the Constitution, do you?

But we must understand, the Confederacy was not driven by the people of the South, most of which did not own slaves but were desperately poor, but was rather driven by big business, the biggest of all, the richest of all people in America at that time; The Bill Gates, the Jeff Bezos of that time, the plantation owners of big cotton and big tobacco. It is these big businesses that funded the Confederacy in the Civil War. It is these big businesses which relied on exploiting black people in order to maintain their supposed “liberty”.  It is these plantation owners who created the Confederacy and stirred up the South to hate Lincoln because he dared to threaten their lucrative business.  The people of the South were roused into supporting the plantation owners and sending their boys to die in the Civil War; even claiming it to be “the war of Northern aggression”.  -A propaganda lie that is still repeated today among various neo-Confederates.

The idea that there is a similarity between the Confederate flag and the Gadson “Don’t Tread on Me” flag is twisted. The Confederacy was about liberty for big business (the wolves) but the country was founded on liberty for “We the People”. We the people are not here to support big business but rather big business, and all business, is meant to serve the people.  And business did serve the people prior to it getting tangled up with government.   Now neither business nor government serves the people.   The Confederacy was a weak form of government with a puppet leader, with grand ideology and passion propounded by big cotton and big tobacco; as they lay claim to liberty and victimization. 

Thomas Jefferson should have called for a separation between business and government as there was a separation between church and state.  But when business and government team up the people are squashed at the bottom.

And it is these neo-Confederates with the same convoluted view of liberty for “private” business who cannot tolerate Jeanette’s mask and vaccine bill.

It is so frustrating and angering to deal with these neo-Confederates as they lay claim to liberty and explain to us how we are not supporting their victimized businesses. 

So which is worse, enemy fire or friendly fire or being stabbed in the back?  Does it really matter? In any case you’re dead.  

Please understand what our founders meant by liberty as opposed to simply freedom. Liberty is a form of freedom but it is the freedom to overcome evil with good.  The other form of freedom is simply the freedom to sin. The second is not liberty because it is simply slavery to sin. True liberty is freedom from sin.

The difference is night and day. It is the difference between God and Satan.


Well that’s all I have for this week and I think you will agree that is quite enough. Please consider deeply what I tried to convey.  But as always, follow the path of righteousness and true liberty, and that means staying far from the camp of the Covidites.

It seems as if we are heading into the time of the neo-Covidites. This is the fraud that never ends.

Bill Ward

Category(s): Uncategorized

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